There are a number of other orchards tasks that may not be seen as ‘essential’ but can make a big difference to the long term production and ease of operation of the orchard. Our additional services include:
- Pruning
- Mulching, Chipping and Orchard Clean-up
- Mowing and Weed Spraying
- Fertiliser
- Injecting (Avoject)
- Foliar Feeds
- Pest Monitoring and Application of Plant Protection Products
- Advice & Consultation
- Buying an Avocado Orchard
Regular pruning provides the tree with the opportunity for new growth. New growth leads to new flowering wood and therefore assists with a potentially better fruit set. Annual pruning is said to have a significant impact on mitigating the ‘biennial bearing’ issues facing all avocado trees and pruning is also maintains harvesting efficiency.
- AAL has experienced pruners to carry out your pruning jobs.
- A consultation to establish what type of pruning your orchard may require can be arranged by contacting any of our team.
Mulching, Chipping and Orchard Clean-up
After pruning there is still a great deal of work to be done. The clean up task is one that some orchard owners prefer to do themselves, however, for those extra tough jobs or for your convenience we are available to perform the clean up tasks for you.
- AAL’s trained staff have the most appropriate equipment and safety gear to tackle the tidy up job and put mulch back into the soil to keep the soil healthy and full of nutrients.
Mowing and Weed Spraying
Mowing helps maintain soil temperature; it makes your orchard aesthetically pleasing, and it ensures ease of access for any other tasks that need to be undertaken.
Weed spraying around the trees reduces competition for nutrients applied in the form of fertiliser.
- AAL has the equipment and appropriately trained staff to take care of all mowing and weed spraying as required.
Maintenance of tree health is essential for optimal fruit growth. AAL has a fertiliser programme targeting the needs of the avocado tree at the different times of the growth cycle.
- AAl provides a soil and leaf testing service for our managed orchards.
- AAL produces its own blend of fertiliser to meet the seasonal nutritional requirements of avocado trees.
- This specially formulated mix changes five times per year – early spring, late spring, summer, autumn and winter.
- Although the blend changes, the cost remains relatively consistent throughout the year and is competitively priced with fertiliser found in horticultural retail stores.
- Fertiliser can be picked up from our depot by orchard owners who wish to spread it themselves. AAL will also deliver the fertiliser to your orchard as required for you to spread, or AAL can spread the fertiliser for you.
- Our fertiliser spreading service is often utilised by our growers when they are away for a period of time and they don’t want their trees to miss out on an application.
Regular injecting is often necessary for sustaining tree health. Our injecting schedules are determined by the growing patterns of avocado trees and are applied as necessary to maintain overall good health and to help the tree’s root systems build tolerance to phytophthora root rot infection.
- AAL has the equipment and appropriately trained staff to take care of all injecting requirements according to the industry best practice guidelines.
- To find out more information about Injecting, head to our Avoject website:
Foliar feeds
Foliar feeds are routinely applied when other orchard spraying is done to maximise the health of the trees and minimise stress.
Pest Monitoring and Application of Plant Protection Products
Pest monitoring and control is a key factor in producing a top quality avocado crop for export market. However, the frequency of monitoring and application of plant protection products needs to be considered against environmental sustainability and budgeting constraints.
At AAL we adhere to the AvoGreen pest control monitoring programme in order to ensure that all orchards we work with are able to choose export if their fruit should meet all other requirements at crop maturity.
- AvoGreen protocols ensure that justification is established before an avocado fruit crop has plant protection products applied.
- As an orchard owner you can become an accredited AvoGreen owner/Operator pest monitor yourself so that you can learn to monitor your own orchard at your convenience.
- AAL can help link you up with the right AvoGreen trainers in your area
Advice and Consultation
Our grower services representatives are always available to discuss your orchards needs. Our free consultation service can help to answer questions, keep you informed of the latest industry research and developments or help you better plan your orchard tasks for the next 12 months to improve your tree health and optimise your OGR.
- AAL offers hands-on orchard knowledge, technical product knowledge, qualified horticultural knowledge and up to date industry research and development information.
- AAL can help with all kinds of decision making including equipment purchase, frost protection, soil management, tree selection, planting and many more.
- AAL can help growers with budgeting challenges using our industry, market and growing knowledge.
Buying an Avocado orchard?
AAL can provide services to support you in the following ways:
- Property inspection
- Pre-purchase analysis
- Soil and nutrient analysis
- Financial viability study
- Cash flow forecasting
Our advice, consultancy and services have assisted many growers to improve the health of their trees and overcome obstacles. Time has shown that this results in better annual production and profit. Whether you are a new orchardist who is interested in learning what they can or an experienced orchardist who is looking for a second opinion about a particular issue, we are always available and willing to help.